Weather Cancelation: No Worship Gathering on February 9th due to snow. 

A local church is not a building, or a meeting on Sundays. In the Bible, God refers to those whom He’s adopted into His family through faith in Jesus as “the Church.” The Church is God’s name for His collective people. And a local church is a local representation of God’s people, gathering regularly together to worship God and to encourage each other in their relationship with Him through Jesus. We do this through our Sunday morning Gatherings, our community groups that meet throughout the week, and through individual discipleship relationships.

We gather weekly for corporate worship at 10:30am at 28 Birge St., Brattleboro, VT 05301. 

Click here for directions

What to Expect

We gather on Sunday mornings at 10:30am to worship our Triune God and to encourage one another in the faith. Our heart is to welcome one another and those new to our gatherings as Christ has welcomed us (Romans 15:7). We invite you to come early to enjoy conversation over coffee and to ask any questions you may have about our church. 

During our worship gathering, we gather together to sing songs of worship to God for who He is and what He’s done for us in Jesus, and we seek to hear from God through teaching from the Bible. Our gathering culminates in proclaiming the gospel through the Lord's table, of which all who have been baptized into Christ Jesus are welcome to partcipate. 

We highly value families worshiping together. We love to have the children present with us, learning to sing and listen to God's Word together with their parents from their earliest memories. Children of every age are welcome for the entire the worship gathering, and we also provide childcare by background checked volunteers for children through age three, if desired. 

For more information about how and why we worship on Sunday mornings and what to expect, check out Our Worship.